The Legacy Lives On: Honoring Lamy’s History and Those Who Made It

This past week, we had the privilege of welcoming back some very special ladies to our space—former supervisors and employees of the Levi’s factory that once filled these walls with the hum of sewing machines and the chatter of industrious workers. These incredible women, who had once run the show at our beloved factory, brought with them a scrapbook filled with memories of a time when jeans weren’t just a fashion staple, but the foundation of this community.

It was more than just a visit; it was a reminder of the deep history and legacy woven into every brick and beam of this building. Lamy’s isn’t just a place to grab a meal, browse records, or buy quality meat—it’s a living piece of history, and it’s thanks to folks like these amazing supervisors that this space still buzzes with life and energy today.

Parking Spaces and Fond Memories

Back in the day, when these ladies arrived for their shifts, they had their designated parking spots—an honor earned after years of dedication and leadership. While we don’t have reserved parking spots for our regulars today (sorry!), our lot is still as welcoming as ever, and we’re always happy to save you a spot… inside, that is.

It’s fascinating to think about how this same building, once filled with the sounds of machinery, now hums with lively conversations over meals, records being flipped through, and the smells of fresh pies, treats, and meats in the market.

Revisiting the Supervisors Who Helped Shape Lamy’s

When these lovely women walked through our doors, it was like a piece of history came back to life. They shared stories about their days as employers—about the people, the camaraderie, and the pride they felt working here. Their scrapbook was a treasure trove of memories, packed with photos and mementos of their time here. It reminded us that while our walls may look different now, the spirit of hard work, community, and excellence hasn’t changed one bit.

From Levi’s to Leisure: Lamy’s Today

Of course, the factory may no longer be in operation, but we like to think we’re still keeping things just as lively—albeit in a different way. Today, Lamy’s is more than just a space. It’s a gathering place for the community—a restaurant where people can share a meal, a meat shop where families can pick up the finest cuts, and a record store where music lovers can discover something new.

We’ve got Lunches of Leisure happening weekly and whether it’s brunch, lunch, or a glass of wine at No. 5 Bistro, there’s always something to enjoy here.

As we move forward, we’ll continue to honor the past while creating new memories for the future. To the ladies who returned this week and the generations of workers before them, thank you for reminding us what this space has meant—and continues to mean—to so many.

Come by, take a seat, and let’s make some history together. After all, history loves company.