History Loves Fun

When our very first walls went up in the late 1800’s, the world our children live in looked a little differently than it does today. For fun, children mostly wandered the countryside and walked the streets. Lord only knows the kind of things they could get into back then.

Often the boys whittled and played marbles to pass the time. From time to time, they found themselves playing a game called Mumblety Peg. This hair-raising game consisted of throwing jackknives at one another. We can only imagine how parents felt about this one.

Much like back then, kids ran around with bb guns and pop guns. If they had change to spare, it was spent buying themselves a cold soda or an ice cream bar. It’s safe to say that history isn’t always that different.

Fun Loves Summer

These days, the summers are still long and hot and we often find ourselves in need of some fun and entertainment. And more often than not, the parents are looking for ways to get their children outside, away from screens, and doing something the whole family can be a part of. Enter Lamy’s.

We are officially kicking off Trivia Night Tuesdays and Scavenger Hunt Wednesdays! Join us periodically for food, fun, and entertainment as we bring you Trivia Nights throughout the summer months! It’s a good time that all the adults can be a part of!

Then, come back on Wednesdays and grab your guide to our weekly Scavenger Hunt. We run from 10am to 7pm each Wednesday. This is something you and your kiddos can get down with! No need for any jackknife throwing here! Grab the whole neighborhood gang and come on down. After all, history loves company!